365体育网投’s PermaCell Cell Culture Inserts and Insert Plates

365体育网投 PermaCell cell culture inserts and insert plates are specially designed for 3D organotypic cell culture applications and are available with a variety of membrane types, pore  sizes, and formats including 8mm inserts and 96-well insert plates. The 8mm inserts are sold as 24 individual inserts in a 24-well plate and can be used as both standing or hanging inserts. To culture as hanging inserts, Hang Top 12-Well or Hang Top 24-Well plates can be purchased. The 96-well insert plate is an array of 96 membrane-bottom wells connected in a single, rigid tray. These cell culture inserts and insert plates can be used to create three-dimensional tissue cultures pertaining to your specific research needs. Learn more about PermaCell  Looking for a compatible HTS TEER electrode? Visit the Accessories page.